Smart Recommendation Systems – Managerial Viewpoint Jerzy Korczak

Smart Recommendation Systems – Managerial Viewpoint

International University of Logistics and Transport
Wrocław, Poland

The recommendation systems can be considered in three main perspectives. From an IT
perspective, the recommendation system is an interactive computing platform
containing a number of data analysis and explorative models, integrated with online
transactional systems. From the client’s perspective, it is an advisory system
facilitating selection of products in accordance with one’s interests, needs, and
preferences. From the managerial perspective, the recommendation system is a
decision support system that uses large, heterogeneous data and mechanisms
generating recommendations related to business-oriented decision making. Today most
of publications expose the two first aspects and perspectives. Unfortunately, many
authors overlooked the manager’s viewpoint that is crucial for usage acceptance of
recommendation systems.
The aim of the keynote is to overview of AI methods of analysis of business data and
prediction applied in recommendation systems to support decision making. The focus
will be put on managers viewpoint, namely on knowledge requirements, financial
interest and added values of smart functionalities. In particular, I’ll discuss
managerial aspects of four known categories of advisory mechanisms: recommendation
by collaborative filtering of information, content-based recommendation,
knowledge-based recommendation, and hybrid recommendation. A few research projects
will be shown to illustrate the advantages and limits of smartness of applications,
in particular domains of marketing analytics, stock trading prediction and modeling
managerial knowledge.

Jerzy Korczak is a professor of business informatics at the International University of Logistics and Transport, Wrocław, Poland. His teaching and research experiences cover over 40 years on various positions at the academic and research institutions, namely in France, Poland, Australia and USA. His research topics are mainly focused on business-oriented data science. He is currently working on three research projects: 1) online data mining of marketing databases, 2) multi-agent stock trading decision support system, and 3) modeling of manager knowledge using ontology and eye tracking. He was involved in many European and national research programs. He actively participates in scientific life; he is a chair of the annual international conference Advanced IT for Management (, and a member of the program committees of many conferences and a reviewer of many scientific journals. He is an author and co-author of over 300 scientific publications. When he isn’t sticked to a computer, he spends time painting and playing chess, trying not to be the last player on the ChessKnot. You can reach him at or on


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